CiA447 Tools

Tools and consulting for CANopen CiA447, Car Add-on Devices,
OneBox Single Vehicle Architecture (OBSVA)

Professional CANopen CiA 447 tools and services

We offer a wide range of products and services for developing, testing, configuring and maintaining CiA 447 gateways, devices and entire CiA 447 networks.

The German Federal Cyber Security Authority BSI publishes security guidelines and recommendations for "any electronic equipment". The latest 2021 release has a section added: INF.11 "Allgemeines Fahrzeug" (vehicles). Subsection INF.11.A17 addresses the topic of interfacing between in-vehicle networks and add-on electronics for special purpose cars (emergency response). In short, the recommendation is, that such interfaces should be standardized. CiA 447 is named as the only example.

Our products include generic Gateways and Devices, "447izer" chips and modules for instant integration of CiA447 into exisiting products, "CANopen Magic" monitor and "Logxaminer" analyser software, CiA447 gateway and device simulations, embedded CiA447 CANopen source code, sophisticated node and network configuration and testing.

Contact us, if you are looking for specific solutions, like generic gateways to in-vehicle networks or other networks like J1939 or FMS.

CiA 447 Simulation System

Essential for any CiA447 development. Run simulated nodes like an in-vehicle network gateway on your PC and interact with your own devices.

Learn more about our simulations

Diagnostics & Testing

Our CANopen Diag hand-held unit provides flexible and sophisticated CiA447 testing. Ideal for R&D and workshop environments.

Find out about the features of CANopen Diag


The engineers at Embedded Systems Academy are experienced, knowledgeable, accessible and competent. We provide a wide range of consulting services to fit your needs.

We have a long association with CiA447 and our engineers were involved on the standards committee right from the start. We are still on the standards committee today, helping to shape the next generation of CiA447 standards.

We have implememented CiA447 gateways for several major car manufacturers and many virtual devices for a range of companies across Europe. Our depth and breadth of experience with CiA447 is second-to-none.

We specialize in development work relating to the CAN bus and CANopen. We develop tools to assist engineers in working with the CAN bus, as well as writing articles and a highly regarded book on the subject. Our experience with CAN is extensive and will quickly get your project on course to completion.

Request a quote for consulting work.


Our CANopen CiA447 products are available directly from us or through the following vendors, which also sell suitable CAN interfaces.

North America

Embedded Systems Academy, Inc., California, USA

Grid Connect, Inc., Illinois, USA
Phytools, LLC, Washington, USA


Embedded Systems Academy, GmbH, Germany

PEAK-System Technik GmbH, Germany

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